Lifestyle Management – Not Just For The Rich & Famous

If asked what a Lifestyle Manager does for a living many would assume that they wait hand and foot on A-list celebrities, allowing them to have every wish fulfilled. Most, upon hearing the job title, would confuse it with the term ‘concierge’ and think that it would be a person who works for a hotel and is asked to run an errand. But, in all reality, the job is a very personal service that is designed to make your life less chaotic. But did you know that you could have a use for a lifestyle manager, someone to take the pressure off your everyday struggles? Northern Hospitality’s aim is to make your life easier, here is how. 

A Lifestyle Manager is a form of a personal assistant or individual concierge whose goal would depend on what their customer needed. Some customers may need social plans to be arranged while others may just need someone to run errands before enjoying a day on the lake. There are a few different aspects that comprise the job role and will always vary from employee to employee. The basic rule of any Lifestyle Manager is ‘cash rich, time poor’  

The main goal of a Lifestyle Manager is to maintain the perfect balance for their employer. Nowadays, many of us have ultra-busy lifestyles that almost seem unattainable. Many forget to find a balance between their home life and work. A key objective of the Lifestyle Manager is to plan a schedule that gives an order to the chaos. They can often balance your time, so you have more of what you want, like quality time with friends and family. 

The whole point of the service is to give your life balance as the assistance is designed to help you in your personal and professional life. A Lifestyle Manager is there to support you in all the areas that you require them to manage; a more productive lifestyle which in turn will give you more control and the ability to enjoy your life more at a slower pace. This type of assistance is not just for the rich and famous and is available to most people as the service can be designed to meet practical tasks but can also provide extravagant requirements. So next time you do not have time to run the errands, book the reservations, plan the party or vacation think about asking for help, and hiring a Lifestyle Manager through Northern Hospitality, you won’t regret it. 

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