Getting Your Skin Ready For The Summer After Hibernation

Northern Hospitality readers, if you are anything like me, and I hope you are, I dote on my skin. I want to find the perfect combination of healthy glow but also the look that I haven’t aged. Obviously, this can be hard to obtain at times, but we are hoping these tips get you ready for the summer season without a blemish in sight.

  1. Exfoliate: After the harsh winter months your skin may look dry and run down as it has had to fend for itself against the wind chill and dry conditions. The best pick me up is a great face scrub, personally, I use a product by Hanalei, which is a Hawaiian company that is also cruelty-free. The Papaya enzyme powder works great for all skin types and has just enough scrub in it to not make your face all red.
  2. Change Up Your Routine: During different seasons, your skin may require different products. I like to adjust my regimen according to how my skin feels. For example, in the summer I become oilier so I will use a cleanser dedicated to fixing that. Listen to your skin.
  3. Sunscreen: If you are going to be outside in the sun, use sunscreen. Enough said!
  4. Serums: It is important to invest in serums and moisturizers that have loads of antioxidants. Vitamin C is the best known and will help protect your skin from environmental damage like the sun or wind.
  5. Less is More: I know women usually do not like hearing this but wearing less makeup will make your face feel loads better. When it is warm out the makeup helps to clog up your pores which, in turn, cause breakouts, yuck! Minimal makeup will allow your skin to breathe better. If all else fails, use a tinted moisturizer as it incorporates SPF with light coverage.

So even though the summer months can be a bit brutal as temperatures rise and the humidity claims your hair, you now can combat these issues with these five easy tips. Having a proper skin routine is your first defense against all the hazards of the outdoors. Instead of fighting a sunburn, you can now confidently go about your holidays knowing you have done everything in your power to combat any skin damage.

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