Transitioning From Spring to Summer Seamlessly

Spring is in the air and that could only mean one thing…summer is right around the corner! Now, if you are like me, you may have gotten a bit too comfortable while hibernating for the winter and your body may need some help to snap back into the swing of things. Do not worry, Northern Hospitality has you covered.

 Anyone can transition from the spring to the summer season easily with a little help from your go-to local farmers market. Eating organic, homegrown foods is the fastest and not too expensive way to help your body adjust to the changing tides. You will have a multitude of fresh berries and pitted fruits to choose from as well as locally sourced honey, which is a great antibacterial property and wound healer. Another great perk is you can get to know your neighbors who may also have some words of wisdom for a smooth transition.

 For a radiant outer shell, aka face, do not forget to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Proper hydration and a cleansing ritual are vital for your skin, so it does not dry out when those dog days of summer finally catch up to us. Your body will also start to sweat more as you are more physically active and enjoying the outdoors. While water is the best option you can also try coconut water, smoothies made with your farmers market haul, and fresh-squeezed juice. Another H2O perk is staying hydrated will also help you lose those extra calories you stored up in those long winter months.

 Now, when it comes to your mental health, summer months are not the time to stay indoors and run on your treadmill. Get out and enjoy all the vitamin D you can soak up, making sure to always wear sunscreen of course. Being a part of nature has long-lasting effects on your health as spending time at the beach, lake, or hiking is proven to reinvigorate your brain and body.

 Thanks to these easy tips you should be able to slip and slide right into summer without overwhelming your body. So, prepare yourself to enjoy all the BBQs and long bike rides you want; remembering to be grateful for the beautiful weather you are about to enjoy for the next three months. Summer is the perfect season for a brand-new start. 

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